Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure - Governess Dubai

How to Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure?

How to Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure?

Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure - Governess Dubai

Many children are afraid of failing. This feeling stems from a number of social and psychological factors that can lead your child to have anxiety about going back to school and can hold them back and affect their ability to learn. You can help your child overcome their fear of failure by encouraging them to:

1. Fail, Fail again, fail better

Explain to your child that failure is part of everything. Successful people, after all, did not get to where they are without trying and failing and trying again. Nurture resilience in your child by encouraging them to try again, adopt a positive self-view, and set reasonable goals.

2. Turn mistakes into Growth Opportunities

“He who makes no mistakes learns nothing.” – Luca Pacioli

You need to let your kid fail instead of shielding them from problems. Give your child the chance to grow, by turning mistakes into learning opportunities. Help them analyze “what went wrong?”, and discuss their actions, the consequences of these actions, and how they can be avoided in the future. Let them focus on finding a solution instead of worrying about the mistake.

3. Emphasize effort, not ability

Taking on challenges, exerting effort, and overcoming obstacles are more valuable than “intelligence” or “talent”. It  is important, whether you are addressing success or failure, that you emphasize your child’s effort, practice, and determination over any natural or innate ability.

4. Review your own view of failure

Children learn from our example, so be mindful of your own responses to mistakes and failure.

When you make mistakes, try to have a positive attitude. Talk to your child about what you’ve learned from your mistakes, and show them that you are willing to try again. When your child makes mistakes, try not to show worry or anxiety, and always focus on finding a solution.

5. Show them your unconditional love

Kids usually tie their self-worth to what their parents think about them. Their fear of failure might stem from a fear that you won’t love them as much if they don’t maintain high grades or perfect behavior. Make it clear that you love your child unconditionally, even when they make mistakes. Explain to them that you are proud of their effort and continued improvement.


Our governess services in Dubai offer your child a governess in Dubai that will help strengthen their self-confidence and resilience, so they can learn that failure is part of success. Our governesses provide a safe environment for your child to feel free to make mistakes and grow from them. Contact us and prepare your child to face the challenges of the real world head-on without fears.

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