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The importance of building Resilience in children

The importance of building Resilience in children

The importance of building Resilience in children - Governess Dubai


Resilience is not about making children tough but about giving them coping skills to manage their behaviours and to problem solve and bounce back from the inevitable setbacks which they will face in life.

Responsibility: teach them to take responsibility for their choices and the consequences they have. By holding your child responsible for his/ her mistakes you can use this as an opportunity to help them to problem solve and figure out how to correct their own behaviours. Allow them to take more responsibility at home for their routines and self-care by giving them chores to do.

Optimism: researchers have shown that those who believe that things generally work out in the end are more successful. They are more likely to have healthier relationships and fewer illnesses. Help your child to perceive setbacks as temporary, isolated incidents which they can solve, rather than personal problems that can’t be fixed.

Competence: children build competence when exploring the world around them and trying new things. Give your child the opportunity to succeed by allowing them to do as much as possible and help them with the most difficult parts. Remember to praise their efforts rather than the results.

Emotional Intelligence: We all like to have our feelings validated and children are no different. Acknowledge their feelings and perspectives by empathising with them. For example, ‘I know you are frustrated because you want to stay up late and watch TV but it’s late and you will be tired tomorrow at school’.  Listen to your child and give him/her space to express their feelings  ‘ You seem sad. Do you want to tell me about it ? ‘

Perseverance is one of the key components in success therefore it is always useful to recognize and validate your child’s efforts and encourage them not to give up even if they have not achieved success. You can encourage perseverance by modelling it to them.

Self Esteem: self-esteem comes when children feel loved and when they know deep inside that are capable of achieving their goals. Teach them that they can do hard things and they can take pride in their achievements when they work hard for them.

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